Letters from the lab

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work.

Letters from the lab

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work.

Building for discovery

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work

More, misc & meta

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work.

Building for discovery

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work

Email: sheneillepatil@gmail.com

Email: sheneillepatil@gmail.com



I work at the intersection of design and mindfulness

I work at the intersection of design and mindfulness

I work at the intersection of design and mindfulness

Letters from the lab

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work.

Letters from the lab

The longest and the most extraneous efforts of my life. I have spent 5 years working on myself, my team and improving my work.

This article chronicles our branding journey from inception to evolution, highlighting the pivotal moments and strategic decisions that have shaped Ooloi’s identity.

Tools and Experiences of Mindfullness

This is an attempt to document my experience finding different tools to help navigate and lead life with integrity

Since I have moved to Tucson In Jnauary I have been trying to learn how to cook mindfully

InterPlay enables people to connect with themselves and others through moving, dancing, slice-of-life storytelling, and using our voices in a playful, creative, spontaneous, authentic, and oh-so-satisfying way.